September 15, 2021

To my Patients

The Rios Family Medicine Clinic (RFMC) is officially announcing the closure of our office.  It has been a great pleasure and privilege to assist you with your medical needs during these past seven years. We have enjoyed being part of this community and with mix emotions we say goodbye.

Clary Document Management is the custodian of your records for Rios Family Medicine Clinic effective October 15, 2021. Your medical records are confidential, a copy of your medical records can be made and sent only with your written permission. If you or your new physician needs a copy of your medical records, please download the Clary “Authorization to release Medical Record” form from our website at under patient forms. The form requires an email address as a destination for the copy to be sent. Please print out the records authorization form, complete and sign it. We need to have an actual signature to release your records. Send the signed form by mail or by fax to Clary Document Management - see address and fax number below.

Any fee for your records will be assessed in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code 241.154. This record retrieval service will be available for seven years beginning on October 15, 2021, and ending on October 14, 2028.

Clary Document Management

5600 Pioneer Creek Drive

Maple Plain, MN 55359

phone: 763.548.1320

fax: 763.548.1325


I have greatly valued our relationship and thank you for your loyalty and friendship over the years. Best

wishes for your future health.


Gaddiel D Rios, MD




If you have any Urgent issues call 911 and go to a local Emergency Room.

15 Sep 2021









Haven't seen our new office? Check out "About the Practice" on the top menu. 


Click on link above for more information